Jubjoter·To wake up from a dream without knowing the end of it and trying to go back to it to know the end.
Yahourt·A foreign song that you sing despite not speaking the language, just by imitating the sounds.
Attendrissement·The warm feeling you get when you see something cute or moving, literally going soft.
Convives·The people gathered to share a meal (guests, hosts, family, whatever). Related to Convivial.
Rentrée·La rentrée (rentrée scolaire, rentrée des classes) is the day when schools open in early September after the two-month long summer break. La rentrée is also a huge commercial event because it is the time to buy paper, pens, backpacks etc. for the school year and all shops advertise school supplies for the weeks leading to la rentrée.
goûter·It is the first thing that most French students do after coming home from school around 16:45 (4:45 pm). Le goûter usually consists of a glass of milk, and bread and chocolate (or jam), or cookies. It is very important to have goûter for most children, and even for some adults.
Non peut être·An expression from Brussels meaning Yes surely except that it can be literally translated as No perhaps.
Galvauder·To use inappropriately a word, a concept or a thing otherwise respectable or beautiful, to the point that it loses its beauty or its respectability.
Parler anglais comme une vache espagnole (lit. to speak English like a Spanish cow)·To speak a very bad English.
Tartine·Any snack that is just a piece of bread/toast with something spread on it. Buttered toast with jam, a slice of bread with cheese or pâté.
Disputed Preum’s !·Used at the end of a long car ride to determine who will go to the bathroom first.