Söndagsseglare (lit. Sunday sailor)·Someone who is bad at something (e.g. driving a car), usually due to inexperience. Swedish
Uppbrottsstämning (lit. breaking-up mood)·The mood when something is about to end, like a party. Swedish
驤 xiāng·A horse with a white marking on the RIGHT BACK leg. Another word for left back leg. Another for both legs. Another for four legs. Chinese
scheinfrei (adj.) of students·Having passed all classes necessary to graduate (but possibly not the final exam and thesis). German
Janteloven·Societal concept that you are not to think you're anyone special, or that you're better than the collective group. Danish
Disputed Paragrafryttare (lit: article rider)·A person who follows written rules to such a degree that they're seen as rigid and inflexible. Swedish
Disputed Vergüenza ajena·When you're ashamed not because of your own actions but by somebody else's actions. Spanish
Myrornas krig (lit. the war of the ants)·The b/w noise shown on an analog TV set when not tuned into a channel. Swedish
Disputed Preum’s !·Used at the end of a long car ride to determine who will go to the bathroom first. French