Lenta·The thing Miss Universe gets( The thing that she puts on herself that says Miss Universe). Croatian
Shichva·שכבה - a school age group (freshman, senior etc.) - has no direct English translation. Hebrew
Ghanīmah·(in classical Islam), wealth taken by force from an enemy in times of war; spoils of war; booty. Islam
Disputed Petrichor·A pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather. English
Disputed Contrarian·Someone who feels the need to disagree with everything for the sake of disagreeing. English
Rocío·The droplets of water that you can find over plants, dirt, spiderwebs etc. in the morning after a cold night. Spanish
толераст·A derogatory word for a person who allegedly believes in toleration and acceptance of behavior of minorities at all cost, no matter how harmful, dangerous, stupid, immoral or crazy their behavior is. Russian
– eating yourself hungry. Basically, the act of eating so slow and one after the other, that there’s more time inbetween to get hungrier than there is food to be full·Eating yourself hungry. Basically, the act of eating so slow and one after the other, that there's more time inbetween to get hungrier than there is food to be full. German