Eti kemik geçiyor·A common answer someone without a wristwatch gives if you ask them the time without making sure they have a watch. Literally means It's bone past meat (said after making the gesture of checking time on your non-existent wristwatch). Turkish
auf Lücke lernen·To selectively study only certain topics for an exam in the hope of getting lucky with what's being asked. German
गाऊथी·Gauthi Slang word used by urban Indian kids (like me) to describe something or someone that looks like it would belong in an Indian village. Hindi
Moppemusche (lit. moped ‘stache)·The thin fuzzy mustache teens grow before they figure out shaving. Uncategorized
Smultronställe (lit. wild strawberry place)·A location you love to return to that's difficult for others to find. Swedish
Chest-onality·Having large, shapely breasts as compensation for having a defective personality. Spanish
Хлебен [khlében·Adj. An otherwise juicy fruit that's too dry and unpleasant to eat, making you feel like you're eating bread. Bulgarian
Ser un mangó bajito·Literally to be a low mango, To be gullible or easily picked on. Puerto Rican Spanish
To clothesline somebody·To hit someone in the neck area with your inner arm, usually when they are moving at a high rate of speed, causing them to fall down (video of clotheslining in description). English
Gravata-borboleta·Literally, Necktie-Butterfly, but it is actually the bow tie. Portuguese (brazilian only)
flygskam; the shame of using the form of transport with the biggest impact on climate·Aircraft. Swedish