Gespannt sein·A neutral version of looking forward to something or being apprehensive about something.
(lit. Anticipation) Vorfreude·(n.) The joyful, intense anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures.
Alter lass den Niveaulimbo·- Dude, refrain from participating in a limbo dance contest using the standard of refinement as the bar.
(das passt) wie die Faust auf’s Auge·Expression used when observing clashing clothes/accessories/colors/etc.
Passive Armament·Protective equipment that prevents the police from giving you a nice proper beating.
Da haben wir den Salat!·- meaning something like Now we have the mess!. Salat (salad) is being used as a substitution for Chaos/Durcheinander (chaos/mess).
– eating yourself hungry. Basically, the act of eating so slow and one after the other, that there’s more time inbetween to get hungrier than there is food to be full·Eating yourself hungry. Basically, the act of eating so slow and one after the other, that there's more time inbetween to get hungrier than there is food to be full.
scheinfrei (adj.) of students·Having passed all classes necessary to graduate (but possibly not the final exam and thesis).