Sommarplåga (lit. summer torment)·A pop song released around spring that gets overplayed during the summer. Swedish
Mellandagarna·The days between Christmas and New Year’s, literally translates as “the middle days”. Swedish
Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen·A situation which is excessively joyous on the surface, its problems are deliberately being overlooked. German
Bear favor·To do something for someone with good intentions, but it actually has negative consequences instead. Swedish
Osvensk (a.) (lit. un-Swedish)·Outspoken, uninhibited and unapologetic. To not conform to the bad Swedish stereotypes or the Law of Jante mentality. Swedish
अंग्रेज़ी का औलाद·Angrezi ka aulad Literally translating to child of English, it's used to refer to an Indian person who's obsessed with using proper Queens English. Hindi
تجيب المغرب·Literally, To bring down the Maghrib prayer (in Islam). Means to pass time doing something unproductive until the sun set. Moroccan Arabic
Paragrafryttare, lit. paragraph rider·Someone who pedantically follows written rules and regulations (beyond reason). Swedish
Tody·The fact something bad will happen to you if too many persons hold a grudge against you. Malagasy
Honne (本音)·The contrast between what one truly believes honne and what beliefs one displays in public tatemae. Japanese
Ilunga·(described as one of the world's most difficult word's to translate) A person who is willing to forgive abuse the first time; tolerate it the second time, but never a third time. Bantu
Congenial·Pleasing or liked on account of having qualities or interests that are similar to one's own. English
Tinfed·In reference to a path / road / accessible area; to be able to lead to, open up to or otherwise give access to another known path (even if you can't presently see the junction). Without a reference to a second path, it simply means that the path is not a dead-end. Maltese
Hibakusha·A term used to refer to those who survived the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; literally translates as explosion-affected people. Japanese
lattepappa·A dad who takes paternity leave instead of the mom and is supposedly often seen with a latte; kind of a lifestyle. Swedish