Tener los huevos de corbata·To be filled with fear - When your balls retract so much (because of fear) that they reach your neck and you can wear them as a tie. Spanish
бытие·Coming from the stem for being or existence, it refers to the realm of hyperconcious and objective state of mind or reality. Russian
Fjortis·A stereotypical immature-but-wanting-to-seem-mature teen girl. Straightened hair bleached to death, enormous amounts of make-up, overly visible thong, steals booze from parents, takes duck face photos, etc. Swedish
Ammazzacaffè·Hard liquor usually consumed after the postprandial coffee in order to wipe the bitter taste out of the mouth. Italian
Enchilado·Action of being intoxicated with the Capsaicin of a pepper and having your mouth and throat burn by it. Mexican Spanish
терпила (terpila)·A person who endures all insults, humiliation and bullying, and does nothing about it; someone who is unable to fight back. Russian
Khalas خلاص·I'm done/enough!/it's over/there's nothing more to be done/already - Is there a word like this in your language?. Coll. Arabic
Innerer Schweinehund·Your inner pig dog. The part of you that makes you lazy. You have to overcome (überkommen) it to be productive. German
להרים להנחתה (leharim Lehanχata)·To raise for a dunk: to say something which sets someone else up to follow. Hebrew
吃喝嫖赌 chīhēpiáodǔ·To do nothing but eat, get drunk, get with hookers, and gamble (e.g. Bender). Chinese
Paluego·A tiny bit of food that's stuck between your teeth that you fish out with your tongue and eat afterwards. Spanish
fulsnygg (adj.) (lit. ugly-beautiful)·Having traits generally considered ugly/unattractive incorporated in such ways that it gives an overall beautiful impression. Swedish
ਪੇੱਚਾ (péchchā)·A competition where two males pee in the same toilet, and the one who finishes peeing first, loses. Punjabi
Ξηροντόβαλα·Ksêrodóvala : Orange juice pulp that overwhelms the orange juice, by being too numerous. Greek
The cookie monster be eating cookies·The cookie monster is eating cookies habitually (i.e. not necessarily presently). African American Vernacular English
Dumsnål (lit. stupid-stingy)·Stingy to the point where it becomes counterproductive, e.g. buying something that breaks down after a week. Swedish