Bespaßen·To render fun or entertainment onto someone, to make sure someone has fun or is entertained. Negative connotation, the word implies the activity is a chore and the person doing the 'bespaßen' isn't having fun themselves. German
Aufhänger·An idea or event that gets a discussion or conversation started (both in a journalistic and casual context). German
Trúnó·The act of getting into a very private, confessional conversation with someone, usually accompanied by alcohol. Icelandic
íngua·The subcutaneous bump you can feel with your fingertip when one of your lymph nodes is swollen. Portuguese
Kletzeln·To scrape yourself using your fingernails; most commonly: scraping things like pimples or woundes. Viennese
Mr. Sharma’s son·A child of your parents' friend with whom they compare you whenever they are disappointed in you (usually because of academic, professional or marital performance). Hindi
Morriña·Melancholic and depressive feeling, particularly caused because of nostalgia of one's homeland. Galician/Spanish
Coutcha·Lit. the name of a crab that lives inside deep holes in the countryside - fig. someone who is from the countryside and (particularly) not at ease with new technologies and customs. French Antilles Creole
Pagafantas·A guy who is trying to hook up with a girl, who ignores him, paying for her every whim. Spanish
Drachenfutter·Meaning dragon fodder,a peace offering to placate someone. this is the offering German husbands make to their wives when they've stayed out late. A nice box of chocolates, or some flowers, perhaps, to mask the beer fumes. German
Дикарь·Slang for a person who travels on vacation but doesn't use any kind of tour/travel service to set it up. Russian
Affluenza·A feeling of dissatisfaction, anxiety, etc, caused by the dogged and ongoing pursuit of more. English