Shotgun·An exclamation made upon sight of a vehicle in which a passenger will travel, designating the seat as proprietary of the exclaimer for the duration of an upcoming trip. English
Gruglede·You're so excited for something coming up that you both look forward to it and not. Norwegian
Mos·As you already know, as you will agree, as I have told you previously, as is common knowledge. Afrikaans
Poprawiny·The party you have the day after a wedding reception to finish off all the food and drink. Polish
Yahourt·A foreign song that you sing despite not speaking the language, just by imitating the sounds. French
ġibṭah·Is the feeling you have when you wish to have what someone else has without being envious. Arabic
Grobmotoriker·Somebody, who is really bad at doing stuff, that requires patience and concentration or sb. who does things very quickly and thus doing many errors and mistakes. German
Attendrissement·The warm feeling you get when you see something cute or moving, literally going soft. French
Bettenburg·Literally bed fortress/castle, a derogatory term for a big hotel designed for mass tourism. German
Gigil·To grit the teeth in order to resist the urge to pinch or squeeze something extremely cute. Tagalog
Mahlzeit!·A greeting or farewell from or adressed to a person heading off to lunch, or in the process of eating lunch. German