Utepils·A beer enjoyed outdoors, but only used when talking about drinking a beer on a sunny/nice day. Norwegian
Dustsceawung·Reflection upon former civilizations or peoples, or the knowledge that all things will become dust. Old English
Heißhunger·A sudden appetite for something specific, often something sweet (literally means hot hunger). German
別腹(Betsubara)·Literally extra stomach, usually used by children to explain why they have room for dessert even when they are already full from dinner. Japanese
Midva·Literally, two of us. It's simple but hard to explain in english, a really beautiful word. Slovenian
Tåkefyrste·Someone who deliberately expresses themselves in an unclear manner in order to impress or to mislead you. Norwegian
Conculega·An employee of the competitor (Combination of the words concurrent (competitor) and collega (Colleague)). Dutch
άπειρος·The word can denote both 'infinite' and 'inexperienced'. Because one can not experience infinity. Greek