Bespaßen·To render fun or entertainment onto someone, to make sure someone has fun or is entertained. Negative connotation, the word implies the activity is a chore and the person doing the 'bespaßen' isn't having fun themselves.
Drachenfutter·Meaning dragon fodder,a peace offering to placate someone. this is the offering German husbands make to their wives when they've stayed out late. A nice box of chocolates, or some flowers, perhaps, to mask the beer fumes.
Schreckstoff·Literally scary stuff, the invisible pheromones animals emit in response to fear in order to alert others nearby.
Bedeutungsschwanger·Pregnant with meaning. Usually used in a derogatory manner, synonymous with pretentious.
Fremdschämen·To be ashamed for an embarrassing act of someone else, for example when that someone fails to be embarrassed by it.
Beutelschneider·A dodgy salesman who sells subpar wares for an exorbitant price, often using an aggressive sales strategy.
Erklärungsnot (lit. explanation distress)·The pressure of having to explain something (and not being able to do so).
Drachenfutter·German for dragon fodder, a gift or some other form of peace offering used by a husband or boyfriend in order to appease an angry woman or girlfriend.
Schenkelklopfer·Literally Thigh-beater means a joke and is named after the reaction of hitting ones thigh with ones hand while laughing, often used ironically for a really bad joke.
Schnulze·A predominantly kitschy and sentimental song, play, show or movie. Often used in a derogative context.
Dahergelaufen·Adjective, fromthenceran. Some fromthenceran guy came into my bakery and tried to tell me how to bake. Something like uninvited, unqualified, obnoxious, without renown, but also plain common. Not necessarily a person.