Mamihlapinatapai·Two people looking at each other, each wishing that the other will begin an action that they both desire but are unwilling to suggest or begin themselves. Yaghan
Maskrosbarn·Dandelion child, someone who has a tough childhood and still turns out alright, like a dandelion breaking through asphalt. Swedish
Tsundoku·The act of leaving a book unread after buying it, typically piled up together with other such unread books. Japanese
Kalsarikännit·To get drunk home alone in your underpants, with no intention of leaving the house. Finnish
Jubjoter·To wake up from a dream without knowing the end of it and trying to go back to it to know the end. French
Vorführeffekt·When you want to show somebody something you can do but it goes wrong because they're watching you. German
Eṣṭaneya·An interrogative word which is used to ask “Which ordinal number in a series?”, where the answer would be an ordinal number like “First” / “Second” / Third / “Hundredth” / Thousandth. Literally it would be Which-th. Kannada
Saudade·A vague and constant desire for something that does not and probably cannot exist. Portuguese
Sisu·Extraordinary determination in the face of extreme adversity, and courage that is presented typically in situations where success is unlikely. Finnish
Sankocha·The feeling of embarrassment due to receiving an inordinately and perhaps inappropriately large or extravagant gift or favor, that makes you feel obliged to return the favor when you can’t. Kannada
報復性熬夜 (revenge bedtime procrastination)·A phenomenon in which people who don’t have much control over their daytime life refuse to sleep early in order to regain some sense of freedom during late night hours. Chinese
Охаметь·To start behaving oneself as to resemble Ham, son of Noah. Means being rude or ignoring social norms. Russian
تسليك·When someone speaks to you and you just act like you're so interested in what the person is saying even though it's plainly obvious that you aren't. Arabic
Tøsefornærmet·Literal translation: girly offended, when you get offended over something, and react in a way an immature teenage girl would. Danish