Übersichtlich·Describes something that presents information in an easily understandable and comprehensive way. German
Scheissfreundlich·When someone is very friendly towards you and you think they're being friendly to butter you up they're being scheissfreundlich. German
Ngabuburit·Doing an activity to spend time while waiting for the time to break one's fast during Ramadan. Indonesian
Desencuentro·Failure to meet up: a single word expressing a failure of a group to coordinate and execute a meeting. Spanish
Rickrolling·Tricking people into listening to Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up instead of the content that they expected to see. English
Widow-maker·A dead branch caught precariously high in a tree which may fall on a person below. English
Firgun·It is to have a generous, unselfish spirit and a joy in the accomplishment of someone else. It is having an empathic joy for something good that has happened. It means to make someone feel good without having an alternative motive. Hebrew
Elvtárs·Comrade, but only in the communist sense, literally means principle-companion or ideology-companion. Hungarian
Lah·Used at the end of a sentence to make the sentence sound less harsh/more casual. Also used for the exact opposite thing, and a million other purposes. Singlish
Melig·State that a person is in when he/she thinks everything is hilarious and as a result will be laughing/giggling constantly, usually for up to an half an hour to an hour. Dutch