Elvtárs·Comrade, but only in the communist sense, literally means principle-companion or ideology-companion.
Elpusztul·Lit.: perish. Said specifically to mean the death of an animal or a plant (an unconscious being) as opposed to the death a person.
küszöbgörcs·Used to describe that long conversation you have in the entryway, with all the guests awkwardly holding their coats and purses, and every so often somebody says something like OK, we really have to leave now, but just one more thing., and then the conversation is good for another half an hour at least
Megtöredezettségmentesíthetetlenségeskedéseitekért·For those actions by which you have made it unable to be completely free of fragmentation again.
Megoldjuk okosba·To do something in a way that is illegal or unethical, but cheaper or more profitable.
Tessék·An all-purpose prompt/greeting/acknowledgement, used in almost any situation to request something (usually information) that is apparent with context, or to acknowledge receipt of something (usually information).
Bezzeg·A special word used to convey and emphasize a sentiment/fact which is in oppositon with the statment the word bezzeg is attached to, while not directly mentioning the opposing thing. Often used while berating someone. Examples in text.