Learn iPhone on Brainscape

Brainscape is a customizable flashcard language learning app where you can pick the language you want to learn and then create your own personalized learning path. It prides itself on being "the world's smartest flashcard app".
Price: $9.99/month
Methods: Flashcards
Devices: Android, iPhone
Total languages offered: 103
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Learn iPhone on AccelaStudy Essential Apps

AccelaStudy is a series of apps that allows you to learn new languages. It's focused on flashcards and space repitition, with each language having its own separate app (for example "Accelastudy Learn Spanish")
Price: $9.99/month
Methods: Flashcards
Devices: iPad, iPhone
Total languages offered: 6
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Learn iPhone on Quizlet

Quizlet is a good way to learn new vocabulary words, review for a test, or prepare for a presentation. With their modern and innovative learning tools, you can customize your studying experience to focus on the topics that are most important to you. Quizlet makes it easy to practice with friends and family, so you can make the most of your study time.
Price: Free (with premium plan)
Methods: Flashcards
Devices: Android, iPad, iPhone, Web
Total languages offered: 6
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Learn iPhone on Ling

Ling's app has features that make learning fun and easy. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced speaker, Ling has something for everyone. You learn at your own pace with tons of lessons, vocabulary lists, and quizzes. You can even practice your conversation skills with their chatbot.
Price: Free (with premium plan)
Methods: Games, Quizzes
Devices: Android, iPad, iPhone, Web
Total languages offered: 61
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Learn iPhone on Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone is a language-learning app that started in the 90s for auditory learners.
Price: Free (with premium plan)
Methods: Online Courses
Devices: Android, Apple Watch, iPad, iPhone, Web
Total languages offered: 24
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Learn iPhone on Fluenz

Fluenz is a language learning app that uses a video-based approach to teach users. Fluenz helps users build fluency (not pun intended) through various exercises which encourage retention of new vocabulary and grammar points.
Price: $408/month
Methods: Video tutorials
Devices: Android, iPhone
Total languages offered: 8
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Learn iPhone on 50 Languages

50 Languages is a mobile app that offers users a variety of features that make learning a language relatively easy. From pronunciation guides to verb conjugations, 50 Languages has a good set up to deepen your knowledge of your desired language. The app is free to download but you have to pay to remove ads.
Price: Free (with premium plan)
Methods: Online Courses
Devices: Android, iPad, iPhone, Web
Total languages offered: 59
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Learn iPhone on Bravolol

Bravolol is a series of apps like "Learn French", "Learn Japanese", or "Learn Italian" that offer a basic language learning experience.
Price: depends
Methods: Flashcards
Devices: Android, iPad, iPhone
Total languages offered: 19
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